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Energy solutions

PLS Energy Systems specializes in energy storage and helps companies create an efficient electricity supply. We have many years of experience in energy storage, renewable energy and battery technology.


Our mission is to create innovative and longterm energy solutions that last over time. By exploring and trying new ideas, our focus is to achieve efficient resource utilization and circular technology.



Our staff is our most important asset and our values are respect, innovation, sustainability and safety. Our values play a key role in our company and guide us on a daily basis.


We want to live up to our values by being a solution oriented and environmentally conscious company that ensures that safety in all situations has the highest priority. We appreciate and encourage differences, collaborations and innovations that move the energy industry forward in the green transition. 

Sustainability and Agenda 2030

PLS Energy Systems has a clear mission in society, which is to provide affordable energy solutions. The mission involves working to give people the right to accessible, efficient and sustainable energy. The offer is reliable, smart and cost effective energy solutions. 


Agenda 2030 with the seventeen global goals characterizes the work within PLS Energy Systems. When a facility or project is planned, active work is done to incorporate as many of the climate goals within Agenda 2030 as possible to ensure a more climate efficient operation and contribute to meeting the climate goals.


The climate goals we primarily aim to work on are goal 7, which includes sustainable energy supply, goal 15, which involves work with ecosystems and biological diversity, and goal 13, which involves counteracting climate change. Through cooperation with the business world, municipalities and individuals, we can also make efforts for goal 11 for sustainable cities and communities. We also work towards goal 12, sustainable consumption and production.


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Our subsidiaries
powered by PLS Energy Systems

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